Movie Reviews
This is an awesome movie! It really gets into detail, and you can see all the gory stuff. It rawks!....Someone that something
to my attention though, is that in the begining of the movie the killer has a tape recorder in one hand, and a gun in the
other, yet at during the movie he shocks the guys that are chained up.....And at the end he has the remote to the shocker
thing in his hand...Where was it during the rest of the movie? Perhaps they messed up? I guess it could have been in his mouth
or on his side.... Not quite sure.... Anyways, I just thought I'd make a comment about it...
Book Reviews
The Outsiders, By S.E. Hinton
This is an excellent book about a gang (greasers) that has a lot of issues, and gets in fights with another gang (socials)...and
it's a really cute book. If I explained it, it would be too long to read because once I start, I won't stop...Just ask